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NEW PRODUCT - Jaguar 15"x 6" 72 Spoke - Inner/Outer Lace

NEW PRODUCT -  Jaguar 15"x 6" 72 Spoke - Inner/Outer Lace
David Austin|
British Wire Wheels (Classic Car Performance) is the only company offering this design.  We commissioned MWS to build us a Jaguar 52mm wheel with 15"x6" size to fill out the wheel well better, 72 spokes, the curly hub, and an inner / outer lacing pattern as found on the standard 15"x5" wheel.  Some customers commented that they wanted to keep the look of the inner/outer lace, but also wanted to fit larger tires to their cars to fill out the wheel wells better, and add more driving performance.
  • Be the 1st e-type owner in the U.S. to own a set of these amazing wheels.  
  • British Wire Wheels commissioned these wheels be built for its customers.  
  • 15"x6" upgraded size, classic curly hub, and the conventional inner/outer lace as found on the 15"x5" wheels.

The most popular size upgrade for the XKE Series I, I½ and II;
Mk II 2.4, 3.4 and 3.8;
XK120; XK140; XK150; and XK150S


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