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2024 Wire Wheel Winback Winner !!

2024 Wire Wheel Winback Winner !!
David Austin|

Say that 10x's fast!!

If you are driving the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, be on the lookout for a blue flash passing you.   We are happy to report that Robert H. is the winner of our 2024 Wire Wheel Winback Contest.  Robert ordered wheels for his stunning blue 1972 MG Midget and has us ship them to Allen Hendrix at Hendrix Wire Wheel for mount/balance.

"I couldn't believe it.  My wife and I thought it was a crank call", said Robert when we called him with the news.  "The only regret I have is that I didn't order them sooner.  For all the work I have done rebuilding the suspension over the years, I neglected my original wire wheels... What a difference in handling!  I regularly drive fast, but now have no problem passing others at 75mpg.  The other day, I passed a classic Jaguar and didn't even realize I was going 80mph". 

NOTE: We are sure Robert is ONLY passing others in designated 80mph zones.

"My car isn't a trailer queen.  I drive her everywhere and every day it's not raining."  (A man after our own hearts.)

Get off your computer.  Go warm up your classic.  And then take her for a drive.  All these cars perform better when exercised regularly (like Robert does with his MG).  Then come back to our site later (and often).  We are thinking up our next contest, and YOU could be the next person to get a phone call from us.


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1 commentaire

I’m really happy for Robert’s vintage classic MG Midget.
He did a great job on it. The car suits that couple perfectly.


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